Building a full-stack application: Day 0

1 min readNov 9, 2023

This will be an adventure to build something cool

I haven’t written an article on this platform in a very long time. So today I decided to use Medium as a means to journal my progress to build a full stack production application.

What’s my idea?

Nothing to fancy but at a high level, I want to build an search application that finds things to do in a city either as a local or visitor.

What’s my stack?

My initial decision to chose Remix for my frontend and Express for my middleware, backend is because it’s about speed to market. The stack is submit to change base on performance, improvements, etc.

What happened today?

I’ve already created much of my development environment so I won’t describe that right now, but soon.
I spent some time today mocking my login system. Right now I’m going with a single user role called ‘appuser’.
Like an auth user flow, user logs in, if successful access is granted if not deny access. For now I’m only determining the json webtoken for RBAC.

Simple login code snippet

That’s all I have for now stay tuned




Shelling is what they call me. A forward thinker debugging life's code line by line. Creator, crossfitter, developer, engineer